Agenda Municipal / Music MorpheusField

Sun 22 Aug
Anima-te programme | Germinal Concert

Devesa Park | Palco Anima-te - 19:00
Free entry, with mandatory withdrawal of ticket at the venue (Devesa Park) in the period of 2 hours before the show. Each person may collect up to 6 tickets.

MorpheusField * is a duo of musicians formed by Daniel Martinho and Eliana Veríssimo, who despite their academic training in classical music, are dedicated in this project to experimentalism through exploration / sound deconstruction.

Eliana Veríssimo, born in Porto, is a pianist and has collaborated in recent years in projects in the area of theatre and cinema, exploring different approaches and techniques on the piano, and recently with electronics.

Daniel Martinho, born in Gaia, is a composer with several works premiered by several Portuguese instrumental groups. Currently he has been developing his instrumentalist/composer side focusing his performance on real time creation with modular synthesizer.

An experimental journey that seeks to transport the audience along different soundscapes and dimensions, through the deconstruction of overlapping and layered sound.

* Morpheus, the Greek god in charge of inducing dreams, but who also stands out for his ability to imitate human forms and interfere in the dreams of humans.

1432 readings