Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Nativity - The representation of Life

Nativity - The representation of Life
Until 29 Feb
Lapa Chapel Sacred Art Museum programme

Lapa Chapel Sacred Art Museum

Free entry | Opening hours: Tuesday: 10h00 to 13h00; Thursday: 14h30 to 17h00 | Inauguration: February 29th

To speak of the Nativity is to speak of the mystery of Christ: incarnation, passion, death and resurrection.
In this, art and culture are also true instruments that lead us in search of knowledge of a God who becomes one among us. 
An ineffable and marvellous mystery leaves us stunned, in unparalleled awe... and the Nativity stands before us as a divine and, at the same time, human reality. It is so striking that it becomes the centrepiece of human history: before and after Christ.
Culture and art have always been a means of transmitting history, and one of the great allies of Christian perpetuation and an image of the communion between the human and the divine: the intimate dialogue between genius and gift. Throughout the ages, representations of the Nativity have taken on different forms and contents, but have never strayed from the essential. Even today, it has a creative force that doesn't exhaust the desire to represent it. Above all, there is a concern to bring the Nativity into current events, as if constantly updating the birth of God among humanity.

This exhibition is the result of a partnership between the Municipality of Famalicão, through the Museums Network, and the Archpriesthood of Vila Nova de Famalicão.

741 readings