Agenda Municipal / Theatre Nego'City

Tue 30 Jul
Casa das Artes programme

Casa das Artes | Small auditorium – 18h00 and 21h30

Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 1 euro | Running time: 70 min | Classe A: Baú dos Segredos

When a teacher decides to challenge her students to create a project simulating "adult life", her class is transformed into a modern city with a Hospital, a Bookshop, a Zoo, an Exotic Pet Shop...and crime. At the end of the game, whoever has the most Life Points gets to choose the ingredients for the pizzas they'll eat to celebrate. And with that reward in mind, it's worth playing dirty to win. A cold, hard detective will try to uncover the criminals and guide the city towards a better path, only to step on the heels of those who shouldn't and shake the very foundations of what he's trying so hard to save. All in the name of a slice of pizza with extra cheese.

Cast: Classe A e B, do Baú dos Segredos
Text adaptation: Ana J. Regueiras
Staging: Ana J. Regueiras
Costumes and Characterisation: Cármen Regueiras
Sound design and lighting: Equipa técnica da Casa Das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Production: Baú dos Segredos, em Coprodução com a Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão

274 readings