Agenda Municipal / Theatre Ornithopera (premiere)

Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre 10h00 and 16h00
Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors: 1 euros | Rating: All ages | Running time: 40 min
Ornithopera is a music-theatre show designed for the little ones and for the adults, they usually bring with them. Or is it the other way round? One day, all the birds of the world gathered in a great assembly to deal with the serious problems they were all facing. It is not known why the humans were not invited, perhaps because they were the cause of most of the issues that plagued them. And the story goes on and on, with many twists and turns and an unexpected ending. There are no words at the beginning, no words in the middle, and even less at the end. How do you tell a story about birds, a very old one, which is also a poem or, perhaps, a metaphor about the deepest part of what it means to be human? Maybe with Music. The language of birds.
List of credits
Concept and production: Companhia de Música Teatral
Artistic direction: Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Cast: Gustavo Paixão, Inês Silva
Stage: Miguel Ferraz and Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Costume design: Izabel Rocha
Light design and technical direction: Élio Moreira
Educational resources and funds: Helena Rodrigues
Management: Artur Silva
Executive production: Maria do Céu Santos
Communication design: Mafalda Maia
Illustrations (birds): José Brandão
Coproduction: Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão and Teatro Aveirense