Agenda Municipal / Theatre Poetics of the Word - Chapter 6

Poetics of the Word - Chapter 6
Until 27 Mar
Theatre Encounters Programme (Chapter 6)

Casa das Artes and Narciso Ferreira Theatre | Various times

These theatre meetings are based around the text, the word, the voice, the work of the actor, the fundamental elements of theatrical action, of theatre. We want to highlight this universe of complicit elements, what we see as the essence, the ontology, of theatre. We want to emphasise interpretation, the relationship between technique, the intimate and subjective feeling of creative conviction and the consolidation of the character, as a process inseparable from a demanding personal work, which is physical and of deep and inexhaustible study.
At the end of each night's performance, we'll have a chat with the actors who star in each theatre project, so that we can get to know their concrete work on the text, the word and its relationship with the body (which gives it voice), and the process of building each character.
The Poetics of the Word also proposes four round tables on the themes: Dramaturgy, Staging, Theatre and Artistic Education and Freedom and Artistic Creation.


8th March
"Getting rid", a co-creation by Sandra Barata Belo and Raquel Oliveira, written by Ana Lázaro

9th March
Os Poetas: The Man in Eclipse, based on the poetry of Mario Cesariny, with music by Rodrigo Leão and Gabriel Gomes, and the voice of Miguel Borges

10th March
"22 Kisses", with dramaturgy by Eduarda Freitas and interpretation and staging by Ángel Fragua

15 and 16 March
"Guide to a possible country", created and directed by Sara Barros Leitão.

22nd and 23rd March
"Prometheus", written and directed by Pedro Galiza, in an Ensemble - Sociedade de Actores production

26th March
"I don't know how to tell you that my voice is looking for you", written and directed by Emília Silvestre

27th March (TNF)
"I am Lorca", directed by Diogo Freitas, based on the text by Federico Garcia Lorca

Round tables

Roundtable I - Dramaturgy
15th March, 17h30 - Café Concerto at Casa das Artes de Famalicão
Moderator: Luís Mestre, playwright and creator
Sónia Barbosa, playwright and creator - Mafalda Banquart, playwright and creator

Panel II - Staging
21 March, at 17h30 - Café Concerto at Casa das Artes de Famalicão
Moderator: João Castro, actor and director
Mafalda Lencastre, actress - Manuel Tur, actor and director - Nuno M. Cardoso, director
and university lecturer

Event III - Art Education
26th March, 17h30 - Café Concerto at Casa das Artes de Famalicão
Moderator: Helena Machado, pedagogical director of ACE Famalicão
Pedro Aparício, director of ACE - School of Arts - Rosália Silva Ramos, President of the
Federação Concelhia das Associações de Pais de Famalicão (FECAPAF) - Arminda
Ferreira, Senior Technician at the Municipality of Famalicão - Nelson Pereira, Head of the
of Culture of the Municipality of Famalicão

Panel IV - Freedom and Artistic Creation
27 March, at 18h00 - Narciso Ferreira Theatre (World Theatre Day)
Moderator: Diogo Freitas, actor and director
Diana Sá, actress - Rita Faustino, cultural manager - Filomena Gigante, actress

235 readings