Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Poster Eco-Code

Until 30 Sep
Casa do Território programme
Devesa Park | Casa do Território’s gallery - 10h00
1st part of the Exhibition "Poster Eco-Code" that counts with the works of Schools/IPSS of our County that participated in the national competition "Eco-Code", which aims to promote creativity, reflection and critical awareness of children and young people involved in the Eco-Schools Programme.
Organizer: Environmental Awareness Office, in partnership with Devesa Park
Devesa Park | Casa do Território’s gallery - 10h00
1st part of the Exhibition "Poster Eco-Code" that counts with the works of Schools/IPSS of our County that participated in the national competition "Eco-Code", which aims to promote creativity, reflection and critical awareness of children and young people involved in the Eco-Schools Programme.
Organizer: Environmental Awareness Office, in partnership with Devesa Park
663 readings