Agenda Municipal / Theatre Rest in your voice

Rest in your voice
Sat 02 and 16 Sep
Teatro Narciso Ferreira programme

Saturday 02 | Praça D. Maria II - 21h30
Saturday 16 | Teatro Narciso Ferreira - 18h00

Free tickets subject to pick-up one hour and a half before each performance. Limit of four tickets per person. Ticket reservation not applicable | Rating: M16 | Running time: 150 min

"The actor and the spectator meet. Equal to equal. The responsibility for the theatre experience to be complete depends on everyone involved. The audience becomes an accomplice in an experience of sharing between the storyteller and the listener. The goal is, through the scenic device, the presentation in the public space, the close and intimate relationship between actor and spectator, the writing of the text with empathy in mind, to give back to the general public the will and responsibility of appropriating an artistic object that ultimately only exists because the audience makes it exist." Diana Sá

Artistic record
Creation: Diana Sá
Texts: Eduardo Brito
Cast: Célia Fechas, Flavio Catelli, Gonçalo Fonseca, José Ribeiro, Maria Inês Peixoto, Sara Costa, Valdemar Santos
Stage: Patrick Hubmann and Pedro Cavaco Leitão
Costume design: Sara Barbosa
Light design: Ricardo Santos
Sound design: João Guimarães
Production: Nuno Eusébio
Production assistant: Inês Mansilhas
Production: Cão Danado
Coproduction: Rivoli - Teatro Municipal do Porto and CineTeatro João Verde
Creation Support: Município de Guimarães, Arga - Tintas
Residence to Artistic Creation Support: Teatro Experimental do Porto - T

491 readings