Agenda Municipal / Exhibitions Route/Trajectory

Until 30 Nov
Festival Binnar programme

Soledade Malvar Gallery | 10h00

Free admission | Timetable: Tuesday to Friday: 10h00 to 17h30. Closed on Mondays, weekends and public holidays

Collective resulting from the international open call launched by the festival in the areas of photography and video. Personal and interpersonal scripts, explored individually for the composition of a planetary multiperspective converging in the same space.

Exhibitions with Aaron Oldenburg, Alexandra Freye, Arash Akbari, Gabriele Rossi, Methas Chatawongs, Milos Peskir, Parumveer Walia, Szabina Péter and Tina Šulc Resnik.

For more information, check the official website here and their Facebook page here

1116 readings