Agenda Municipal / Movies Samsara+Three Days Without God

Samsara+Three Days Without God
Sat 05 Mar
Casa das Artes de Famalicão and Joane Cine-Club programme, within the scope of artistic crossroads / cinema

Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium - 17h30

Free enrance until the venue is full | Duration: 75 min


Based on the imagery suggested by António Carneiro's painting "A Vida" (1899-1901), Samsara explores the human dimensions of the cycle of life and rebirth, a concept of continuous flow, in a common construction of a sense of Humanity. An artistic intersection project supported by the Garantir Cultura programme.

Technical file
Musical composition and interpretation: Filipe Miranda
Video and picture: Miguel F e Mário J. Negrão
Sound design: José Ferreira
Production: Lisete Santos

Three Days Without God by Bárbara Virgínia (1946, 26 min)

The film portrays the arrival of a young primary school teacher, Lídia, to a village in the interior of Portugal.
Directed by Bárbara Virgínia, who was only 22 years old at the time and accumulated the main role and the writing of the script, the film represented Portugal at the first edition of the Cannes Festival. From the 102 minutes of original duration, only 26 minutes of the image band remained, corresponding to a continuous fragment of the film, which were subject to a digital restoration carried out by the Cinemateca.

Original title: Três Dias Sem Deus (Portugal,1946, 26 min) | Directed by: Bárbara Virgínia

Presentation session with Ricardo Vieira Lisboa, programmer and film critic

A session with Samsara, an artistic intersection, and a fragment of the film by Barbara Virginia, Três Dias Sem Deus.

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