Agenda Municipal / Circus Art Solos

Sat 02 Apr
Narciso Ferreira Theatre programme

Riba de Ave | 21h30

The public sessions, free in a first stage, will only be available at the ticket office of Teatro Narciso Ferreira, 1 hour and a half before each session | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 45 min

In the scope of the strategic partnership with the Performing Arts Network of Famalicão "SOBRE O PALCO, the TNF opens the performing arts programme with a showcase of work by INAC - National Institute of Circus Arts, in order to strengthen the Professional Teaching of Contemporary Circus in the municipality, as well as to promote young pre-professionals in the context of professionalization and future integration in the labour market. The informal network SOBRE O PALCO has strongly contributed to the strengthening of agents, entities and cultural actions, reinforcing their greater local integration, national interconnection and international participation.

#01 Performance
That dance my fingers do when I am thinking
Creation and performance: Callum Donald (Scotland)

Multitasking is not really something we are capable of doing. It's a fallacy we've invented because we can't concentrate on one task. 'But doing things unconsciously' Well, that's something we do all the time, from the first coffee of the day to brushing our teeth at night. This show explores the experience of dissociation through circus, taking the dissociation of body and mind to greater heights and risks, pushing the boundaries of what seems possible to do without full focus. What are we able to do while our mind is elsewhere?

#02 Performance
OQNEPOMNOZCANC-O que não era para o Manel, nem o Zé comeu,aliás Ninguém comeu
Creation and Performance: Ivo Nicolau (Portugal)

From sceptics to sceptics a tarot reading, a dish rotting but always edible, a Swallow that swims, a voice that commands and a guy who justifies everything without concretizing his words. Nothing will be for nothing if an imagined purpose is. Let us also take Nothing into consideration. And if possible let us make the observation a work and not a mere action. Interpretation is free and so should we be. Enjoy Good Visual.

#03 Performance
Creation and performance: Josh & Cloé (Switzerland)

Inspired by spiritual practices around the world, this duet transmits ancient wisdom through spiral movements in acrobatics, martial arts and dance. In the modern world, we can easily disconnect from our inner selves. But the more we acknowledge ourselves, the more we can consciously shape our future. With unique and fluid movements, two parts of a being are portrayed. The transformation from unconscious to conscious. Yãna is Sanskrit and means vehicle or also a type or method of practice in Buddhism. This performance is a vehicle that takes the audience on a journey to the depths of themselves.

#04 Performance
A constant reminder
Creation and performance: Eline Nijboer (Netherlands)

And you run and run to reach the sun,
but it's sinking and rising behind you again.
Light and dark, and light again.
And it runs and runs and never stops.
And I am running, running out of time.

The protagonist is in a moment of leisure and calm before being dragged into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The person carries out her duty quietly and almost automatically, until this repetitive and monotonous routine causes an explosion of frustration. A feeling of impotence and anxiety takes over. For a brief moment, she manages to overcome this pragmatic reality by being lifted into the air. There she regains the ability to enjoy life and be creative again. As she dances in the air. There she regains the ability to enjoy life and be creative again. While dancing in the air the character is unconsciously pulled down, back into routine.

Technical Record:
General Direction: Bruno Machado
Artistic Direction: Chiara Capparelli
Creative Support: Jorge Lix e Sandra Salomé
Light Technician: Luís Machado
Sound Technician: André Borges
Technical Director/Rigger: Hugo Zanardi
Production: Juliana Moura and Lueli Cristina
Media Team (INAC): Ashleigh Georgiou and Carlos Teixeira
Performers: Callum Donald, Cloé Matter, Eline Nijboer, Ivo Nicolau and Josh Golszewski

Production: INAC - National Institute of Circus Arts
Co-production: Teatro Narciso Ferreira [Casa das Artes of Famalicão]

793 readings