Agenda Municipal / Music Sounds and Images of Macau

Casa das Artes | Small auditorium - 21h30
Entry: 2 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (65 and over): 1 euro | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 80 min | Ana Filipa Neves: Piano
The scenic-musical event called Sonorities and Images of Macau explores the intercultural atmosphere of Macau through a musical dialogue between the performer and the piano works of Áureo Castro. Inspired by the performative concepts of Chinese music and the sounds of traditional Chinese instruments, the performer recreates or improvises musically the universe of sounds and images of Macau's sites, monuments and traditions, such as the dragon boat festival, Catholic processions, Buddhist prayers, Chinese gardens, traditional fan dances, the Camões grotto, lotus flowers or the chirping of exotic birds, bearded trees, the reeds of Praia Grande Bay and the ruins of St Paul's Church. The event proposes a sound and visual journey that evokes the mystical uniqueness of Macau, where past and present and West and East intersect, dialogue and interconnect. The performance incorporates elements of light and scenography for a sensory journey with an aesthetic inspired by the yin-yang concept and an evocative imagery of Macau based on the subjective impressions and experiences of the performer. The aim of this improvisation or performance recreation is to contribute to an artistic expression that values diversity and intercultural dialogue between different musical languages, recreating the work of Áureo Castro from a current perspective and enhancing Macau's intangible heritage.