Communication / News
Brief News


The ball is already rolling on Cabeçudense's new lawn

Sporting Clube Cabeçudense has reasons to smile. The new synthetic turf of the Football 5 field of Cabeçudos was inaugurated this Sunday, May 29, and the ball is already rolling for the joy of supporters, managers and athletes.

The inauguration of the synthetic floor, which had a municipal support of 20 thousand euros, was attended by the Mayor of Vila Nova de Famalicão, Mário Passos, the club president, Carlos Costa, and the president of the Union of Freguesias of Esmeriz and Cabeçudos, Armindo Mourão, among others.

Mário Passos wore the jersey and entered the field to participate in the futsal game that marked the inauguration of the new Cabeçudense infrastructure and that put face to face directors and former directors of the club and the National Clergy Futsal Team.

The mayor congratulated the club for achieving another goal and for the path travelled so far. He also praised the "inestimable value" of the famalicense associative fabric, recalling the successive support given by the municipality for the practice of sports and assuring that the City Council will continue to support the clubs in the municipality.
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