Agenda Municipal / Movies The Servant

The Servant
Thu 26 May
Cineclube de Joane programme ( There are no Cinephiles left?! -, Losey, the exiled)

Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium - 21h45

Admission: 4 euros | free for members of the Cineclube de Joane | Organisation: Cineclube de Joane | Great Britain, 1963 | Director: Joseph Losey | Cast: Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, James Fox, Wendy Craig | Rating: M/12 | Runtime: 115 min.

Hugo (Dirk Bogarde) is a servant who gradually manipulates his master (James Fox) into resigning himself to a position of subservience, in a hallucinatory exercise in subverting traditional power relations. A psychological drama wrapped in a claustrophobic atmosphere, the film is a direct attack on the class system and the fragility of the English aristocracy. With a screenplay by Harold Pinter (in the first of three cinematic collaborations between the celebrated playwright and Losey), The Servant enjoyed great critical and commercial success, also establishing Bogarde as one of the greatest British actors of his generation.

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