Agenda Municipal / Theatre The Song of the Earth (premiere)

Sat 24 and Sun 25 Sep
Casa das Artes programme
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 18h00 and 10h30
Admission: 4 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 2 euros | Target audience: M/6 | Running time: 50 min
A Co-production by Companhia de Musica Teatral and Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão
A Canção da Terra should be a work with a musical root that wanders through the territories of image, movement, word and several others that its gestation, in progress, is revealing to us. Similarly to what happened with recent CMT creations, such as Aguário and O Céu Por Cima de Cá, it is being thought for the "big stage" and for an audience starting from 6 years old, but which is intended to be as eclectic as possible, not only because the challenge of creating multiple readings interests us particularly, but also because "listening" to the Earth is a subject that concerns everyone.
The starting point of the creative process is the idea that Planet Earth has a "voice" that expresses itself in different ways and that it is very important to listen to. We will explore myths, poetry, scientific and historical facts, soundscapes and, obviously, the historical references implicit in the title (Mahler's Earth Song or Jorge Brum do Canto, among others). There is a clear intention to continue working on the "tuning of people, birds and flowers", that is, to bring into the artistic discourse a concern with our relationship with the World we inhabit and that we want to remain our Home. Since NOAH, if not before, we seek that our projects awaken this consciousness.
Conception and Production: Companhia de Música Teatral
Artistic direction: Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Performers: Gustavo Paixão, Jorge Graça, Inês Silva, Mariana Miguel, Mariana Vences
Scenic Space: Miguel Ferraz and Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Light Design: Élio Moreira
Artistic direction assistance: Jorge Graça
Educational Resources Management: Helena Rodrigues
Communication Design: Mafalda Maia
Executive Production: Maria do Céu Santos
Acknowledgements: University of Aveiro, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University Lisbon
Co-production: Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cine-Teatro Alba, Município de Lagoa
Casa das Artes | Grand Auditorium - 18h00 and 10h30
Admission: 4 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 2 euros | Target audience: M/6 | Running time: 50 min
A Co-production by Companhia de Musica Teatral and Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão
A Canção da Terra should be a work with a musical root that wanders through the territories of image, movement, word and several others that its gestation, in progress, is revealing to us. Similarly to what happened with recent CMT creations, such as Aguário and O Céu Por Cima de Cá, it is being thought for the "big stage" and for an audience starting from 6 years old, but which is intended to be as eclectic as possible, not only because the challenge of creating multiple readings interests us particularly, but also because "listening" to the Earth is a subject that concerns everyone.
The starting point of the creative process is the idea that Planet Earth has a "voice" that expresses itself in different ways and that it is very important to listen to. We will explore myths, poetry, scientific and historical facts, soundscapes and, obviously, the historical references implicit in the title (Mahler's Earth Song or Jorge Brum do Canto, among others). There is a clear intention to continue working on the "tuning of people, birds and flowers", that is, to bring into the artistic discourse a concern with our relationship with the World we inhabit and that we want to remain our Home. Since NOAH, if not before, we seek that our projects awaken this consciousness.
Conception and Production: Companhia de Música Teatral
Artistic direction: Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Performers: Gustavo Paixão, Jorge Graça, Inês Silva, Mariana Miguel, Mariana Vences
Scenic Space: Miguel Ferraz and Paulo Maria Rodrigues
Light Design: Élio Moreira
Artistic direction assistance: Jorge Graça
Educational Resources Management: Helena Rodrigues
Communication Design: Mafalda Maia
Executive Production: Maria do Céu Santos
Acknowledgements: University of Aveiro, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University Lisbon
Co-production: Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cine-Teatro Alba, Município de Lagoa
344 readings