Agenda Municipal / Movies Third Shift

Sat 29 Jan
Programme Close-Up - Famalicão Film Observatory - Episode 6.1 (Community Cinema session)
Casa das Artes - Small Auditorium | 15h30
Entry: 2 euros | Cultural Quadrilateral Card: 1 euro | Free admission: Students, seniors and members of film clubs
Original title: Terceiro Turno (Portugal, 2021) | Director: Mário Macedo | Rating: M/12 | Duration: 19 min
In a small village in northern Portugal, Agostinho endures the prison of his routine. One day, he suffers a strange convulsion leaving the factory where he works the night shift. Unable to explain the reason for his condition, he returns home, to his girlfriend, to his friends. Subduing his dreams and his worries, Augustine waits for night to come and, with it, another shift.
Casa das Artes - Small Auditorium | 15h30
Entry: 2 euros | Cultural Quadrilateral Card: 1 euro | Free admission: Students, seniors and members of film clubs
Original title: Terceiro Turno (Portugal, 2021) | Director: Mário Macedo | Rating: M/12 | Duration: 19 min
In a small village in northern Portugal, Agostinho endures the prison of his routine. One day, he suffers a strange convulsion leaving the factory where he works the night shift. Unable to explain the reason for his condition, he returns home, to his girlfriend, to his friends. Subduing his dreams and his worries, Augustine waits for night to come and, with it, another shift.
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