Agenda Municipal / Conferences Together we make museum. Walking towards sustainable development

Together we make museum. Walking towards sustainable development
Mon 29 Nov
Network of Museums of Famalicão programme

Colonial War Museum | ZOOM Platform - 09h30
Free admission with prior registration | The full program and other information, including the link for registration, may be consulted on the site of the City Council and on the Facebook page of the Museum Network of Vila Nova de Famalicão | Action accredited by the Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training, as a Short Term Teacher Training Course

The Network of Museums of Vila Nova de Famalicão organises, within the scope of the 5th Meeting, the Webinar "Together we make a museum. Walking towards sustainable development". The title refers to the awareness of the place that the Museums of Famalicão occupy in the context of Sustainable Development and the path they intend to follow in the future, to be, effectively, agents of transformation. This process, which is intended to be integrated and participatory, aims to convene a meeting space to recover and revisit sustainable practices that enhance a more balanced and happier way of living in the future. The guest speakers will share their experience in the field of Sustainable Development by approaching its different pillars - Economic, Social and Ecological - and the facilitating and stimulating role of Culture in this process.

1034 readings