Agenda Municipal / Dance Unsettling Self + Tumulte (premiere)

Grand auditorium | 21h30
Entry: 4 euros. Students, Cultural Quadrilateral Card and Seniors (aged 65 and over): 2 euros | Rating: M/6 | Running time: 70 min
Following the spirit of sharing languages that characterises the company's work, KALE Companhia de Dança invites two choreographers of recognised aesthetic signature to develop an original creation for the company's young corps of dancers. This show presents the vision of the Portuguese choreographer São Castro in "Unsettling Self", which inspired by Fernando Pessoa speaks of identity and its construction/deconstruction, conflicts (internal and external) and their different points of view. The stage is also shared with Christine Hassid's creation, "Tumulte", which takes us on a journey towards the EU through moments of confrontation and chaos, guided by the mastery of Chopin. The register of physicality, energy, detail, are distinctive of a DANCE THAT DANCES, which favours the embodiment of feelings, sensations and the strength that adds to the message that reaches us from the stage, these traits are indisputable in Castro and Hassid, and in line with the essence of the international network to which KALE belongs, and which guides its artistic identity, the Danse qui Danse network.
Artistic record
Choreography: "Unsettling Self", from São Castro (PT), "Tumulte", Chrisitne Hassid (FR)
Light design: Joaquim Madaíl
Music: São Castro and F. Chopin
Rehearser: Sara Moreira and Inês Negrão
Support: Ginasiano Escola de Dança, Armazém22
Coproduction: Casa das Artes de Famalicão; Malandaín Ballet Biarritz, França; Auditório Carlos do Carmo, Lagoa do Algarve; Casa da Criatividade; Teatro Diogo Bernardes de Ponte de Lima e Auditório Municipal de Gaia