Agenda Municipal / Theatre Voices of the Mountain and Valley

Fri 03 Jun
Há Cultura | Cultura Para Todos programme
Vale S. Cosme's church hall | 21h30
Free entry
Voices of the Mountain and Valley is a community action project promoted by ACE - Famalicão School of Arts that configures an intervention of pedagogical, artistic and cultural nature at CSIF Vale do Pelhe. The project was addressed to all the members of recreational and cultural entities of this territory, also integrating all those who chose to join individually. Taking into account that a diagnosis of the cultural activities of this region showed a clear predominance of choral groups of a very diverse nature (church groups, youth groups, etc.), the project is structured around the involvement of those populations in the creation, technical and plastic execution, production and presentation of a musical theatre show created from scratch. The script of the show proposes a journey through the history of Western Musical Theatre, adapted to the Pelhe Valley.
This show is part of the project HÁ CULTURA | CULTURA PARA TODOS, promoted by the City Council o fVila Nova de Famalicão and co-financed by NORTE 2020, through the European Social Fund (ESF).
Vale S. Cosme's church hall | 21h30
Free entry
Voices of the Mountain and Valley is a community action project promoted by ACE - Famalicão School of Arts that configures an intervention of pedagogical, artistic and cultural nature at CSIF Vale do Pelhe. The project was addressed to all the members of recreational and cultural entities of this territory, also integrating all those who chose to join individually. Taking into account that a diagnosis of the cultural activities of this region showed a clear predominance of choral groups of a very diverse nature (church groups, youth groups, etc.), the project is structured around the involvement of those populations in the creation, technical and plastic execution, production and presentation of a musical theatre show created from scratch. The script of the show proposes a journey through the history of Western Musical Theatre, adapted to the Pelhe Valley.
This show is part of the project HÁ CULTURA | CULTURA PARA TODOS, promoted by the City Council o fVila Nova de Famalicão and co-financed by NORTE 2020, through the European Social Fund (ESF).
528 readings