Agenda Municipal / Theatre While I wait in despair

While I wait in despair
Sun 24 Apr
XV Terras de Camilo Amateur Theatre Festival programme

Seide | Centro de Estudos Camilianos - 21h30

Free admission | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 55 min

A waiting room... a waiting room like so many others... the long wait makes you hallucinate. Hallucinate and despair while you wait... A bride? A nun? A drunk? A nurse? The fine line between reality and fiction...
An absurd comedy where anything or nothing can happen.

Technical record:
Staging - Mário Sá
Author - Luís Gonçalves
Original Text - Waiting to be called ("À espera de ser chamado")
Dramaturgic Adaptation - Mário Sá and Catarina Sá
Performed by: Anabela Coelho, Hermínia Carvalho and Soraia Larassou
Backstage - Filipa Rocha and Assunção Coelho
Light Design - Mário Sá and Flávio Peixoto
Sound - Filipe Silva
Technical support - Justino Pinheiro and Gonçalo Ferreira
Set design - Grupo Casca de Nós
Costumes - Grupo Casca de Nós
Graphic design - Copisinde
Production - Ermesinde Academic and Cultural Association
Supported by - Câmara Municipal de Valongo, Junta de Freguesia de Ermesinde, Copisinde

606 readings