Agenda Municipal / Educational activities Workshop: Organise yourself

Fri 09 Sep
BMCCB programme
Riba de Ave Library Centre – 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: ATL's and other institutions | Sessions scheduled according to availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
The school year is about to start and we are going to make a weekly task organiser, with recyclable materials, to get you off to a great and successful start.
Don't forget to save some time for reading and visiting the library!
Riba de Ave Library Centre – 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: ATL's and other institutions | Sessions scheduled according to availability, at least 15 days in advance | 252 981 620
The school year is about to start and we are going to make a weekly task organiser, with recyclable materials, to get you off to a great and successful start.
Don't forget to save some time for reading and visiting the library!
330 readings