Agenda Municipal / Senior Workshop: Snowman

Fri 18 Feb
BMCCB Programme
Ribeirão | Library Centre - 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: Senior | Sessions scheduled according to schedule availability, at least 15 days in advance | Maximum of 10 participants | 252 494 107
The cold of winter brings rain and, in some places, lots of snow. Let's have fun in this workshop by building lovely winter dolls using pine cones.
Ribeirão | Library Centre - 10h30 or 14h30
Target audience: Senior | Sessions scheduled according to schedule availability, at least 15 days in advance | Maximum of 10 participants | 252 494 107
The cold of winter brings rain and, in some places, lots of snow. Let's have fun in this workshop by building lovely winter dolls using pine cones.
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