Agenda Municipal / Diverse XI Sarau Cultural Terras de Vermoim

XI Sarau Cultural Terras de Vermoim
Fri 09 and Sat 10 Sep
Culture Programme

Organisation: Moinho de Vermoim Association

Vermoim | Next to the Chapel - 21h00

Friday 09
21h00 - Opening of the Solidarity Soirée (Presentation of the exhibitors)
21h15 - Performance of Portuguese Popular Music (Amigos do Moinho)
22h15 - ACAFADO (Fado Music Performance)

Saturday 10
18h00 - Solidary Walk (Fund raising for the Portuguese League Against Cancer)
19h00 - Small Scientists (Experiences with Children)
21h30 - Fashion Show
22h30 - Susana Araújo (Musical Performance and Theatre)

422 readings