Agenda Municipal / Conferences From Famalicão to the World: April 25 of 1974 – The significance of a historic date in Vila Nova de Famalicão

Camilo Castelo Branco Municipal Library | Auditorium – 14h00
Friday 10
14h00 | Opening by the Mayor, Mário Passos
14h15 | Conference – April 25 of 1974
Fernando Rosas (IHC-NOVA de Lisboa)
15h15 | The Democratic Opposition
Filipa Sousa Lopes (IHC-NOVA de Lisboa)
16h00 | Debate
16h15 | Coffee break
16h30 | Round table – The Marks of the Revolution in Famalicão
Artur Sá da Costa, Mário Martins, Durval Ferreira, Correia Araújo and Margarida Malvar
Moderator: José Agostinho Pereira (CMVNF)
18h00 | Debate
18h30 | Closing
Saturday 11
09h30 | The Club of young Portuguese workers in Paris and actions to politicise economic emigration
Cristina Clímaco (University of Paris 8/Ler)
10h15 | Godmothers of War - The correspondence of Portuguese soldiers during the Overseas War
Marta Martins Silva (Correio da Manhã)
11h00 | Debate
11h15 | Coffee break
11h30 | The labour and popular movement in the Ave Basin in the immediate aftermath of 25 April
José Lopes Cordeiro - (Ave Basin Textile Industry Museum)
12h30 | Debate
13h00 | Lunch
15h00 | Teachers’ thought and students’ narrative about April 25
Ana Isabel and Marília Gago, (CITCEM/FLUP and University of Minho)
15h45 | Debate
16h00 | April 25 50 years: celebrating democracy, planning for the future
Deputy Executive Commissioner, João Faria, of the Commission to commemorate 50 years of 25 April
16h30 | Inauguration of the photo exhibition – April 25 of 1974. Thursday, by Alfredo Cunha
Praça - Municipal Market | Guided tour with the photographer
19h00 | Closing
Scientific Coordination
Arminda Ferreira - CMVNF
Luís Alberto Alves - CITCEM/FLUP
Cláudia Ninhos IHC – NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST and Aristides de Sousa Mendes Foundation
Cristina Climaco - LER – University of Paris 8
José Lopes Cordeiro – University of Minho
Miguel Barros - APH
Aurora Marques - CFAEVNF
Eventos que vão acontecer

April 25 of 1974. Thursday
Praça – Municipal Market
Free | Inauguration: November 11 at 16h30