Agenda Municipal / Conferences From Famalicão to the World: April 25 of 1974 – The significance of a historic date in Vila Nova de Famalicão

From Famalicão to the World: April 25 of 1974 – The significance of a historic date in Vila Nova de Famalicão
10 and 11 Nov
Celebrations of the 50 years of April 25 of 1974

Camilo Castelo Branco Municipal Library | Auditorium – 14h00


Friday 10
14h00 | Opening by the Mayor, Mário Passos
14h15 | Conference – April 25 of 1974
Fernando Rosas (IHC-NOVA de Lisboa)
15h15 | The Democratic Opposition
Filipa Sousa Lopes (IHC-NOVA de Lisboa)
16h00 | Debate
16h15 | Coffee break
16h30 | Round table – The Marks of the Revolution in Famalicão
Artur Sá da Costa, Mário Martins, Durval Ferreira, Correia Araújo and Margarida Malvar
Moderator: José Agostinho Pereira (CMVNF)
18h00 | Debate 
18h30 | Closing

Saturday 11 
09h30 | The Club of young Portuguese workers in Paris and actions to politicise economic emigration
Cristina Clímaco (University of Paris 8/Ler) 
10h15 | Godmothers of War - The correspondence of Portuguese soldiers during the Overseas War
Marta Martins Silva (Correio da Manhã)
11h00 | Debate
11h15 | Coffee break
11h30 | The labour and popular movement in the Ave Basin in the immediate aftermath of 25 April
José Lopes Cordeiro - (Ave Basin Textile Industry Museum)
12h30 | Debate
13h00 | Lunch
15h00 | Teachers’ thought and students’ narrative about April 25
Ana Isabel and Marília Gago, (CITCEM/FLUP and University of Minho)
15h45 | Debate
16h00 | April 25 50 years: celebrating democracy, planning for the future
Deputy Executive Commissioner, João Faria, of the Commission to commemorate 50 years of 25 April
16h30 | Inauguration of the photo exhibition – April 25 of 1974. Thursday, by Alfredo Cunha
Praça - Municipal Market | Guided tour with the photographer
19h00 | Closing

Scientific Coordination
Arminda Ferreira - CMVNF
Luís Alberto Alves - CITCEM/FLUP
Cláudia Ninhos IHC – NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST and Aristides de Sousa Mendes Foundation
Cristina Climaco - LER – University of Paris 8
José Lopes Cordeiro – University of Minho
Miguel Barros - APH
Aurora Marques - CFAEVNF

459 readings

Eventos que vão acontecer

April 25 of 1974. Thursday
Until 30 May


April 25 of 1974. Thursday

Celebrations of the 50 years of April 25 of 1974

Praça – Municipal Market

Free | Inauguration: November 11 at 16h30