The Mayor of Famalicão walked through the streets of Carreira and Bente yesterday, on another day of the ‘Proximity Presidency’ programme that has seen Mário Passos tour the parishes of the municipality.
The tour of the parishes began at the Bente Kindergarten, where he had lunch with the school community. Accompanied by the mayor of the Union of Parishes, Liliana Ribeiro, Mário Passos continued the afternoon with a visit to the MS Steel Tubes company, a metalworking industry that has set up in Bente, transforming a vacant pavilion into an industrial unit equipped with modern machinery and technology, which employs almost one hundred and fifty workers and exports almost all of its production.
On his tour of the grounds to check on the work done and future investments, Mário Passos passed through the newly paved streets of Monte (Bente) and Almofães (Carreira).
The president of the Junta, Liliana Ribeiro, spoke about the investments that are to follow in the Union of Parishes (União de Freguesias), namely the widening and urbanisation of the churchyard in Carreira and the paving of streets such as Andorinhas and Lamas.
Mário Passos ended the day with a meeting that brought together around a dozen groups and movements from the parish. This was the case with the A Flor do Monte Recreational and Cultural Association, from whom he heard about the need for support for work on the playing field, and the Senior Academy, which requested support for work on its headquarters.
‘At the Municipality, both I and all the councillors are always available to listen to the leaders and representatives of local associations and movements and to put their projects into practice,’ he emphasised.
Mário Passos will continue his contacts with the local population next week when he visits the parish of Gavião.