This Thursday, the municipality of Famalicão formalised the adhesion of fifteen Senior Academies to the Famalicão Senior Academies Network, a structure that aims to act in a decentralised way in the various parish communities of the municipality, in the creation and promotion of activities and programmes that promote active, sustainable and healthy ageing.
By setting up this network, the aim is to encourage the involvement of the communities' strategic partners and enhance the senior population's access to regular, localised activities, creating synergies and gaining scale. ‘There's a backbone of activities that we're going to develop, and working in a network is always easier because there's sharing, there are synergies and management efficiency,’ said Mayor Mário Passos.
The mayor gave as an example the management and sharing of means and resources in terms of training, teachers for activities and initiatives that can be done together.
The Senior Academies project has been implemented over the last three years, and there are already 15 institutions that are formalised and actively working in the field.
‘The challenge we have set ourselves is for these Academies to be an influence for others that may be created and for them to do this active work on the ground of promoting activities, sharing experiences and resources,’ added the mayor.