Agenda Municipal / Movies The French Dispatch

The French Dispatch
Thu 24 Mar
Cineclube de Joane Programme

Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium - 21h45

Entry: 4 euros | Free for members of the Cineclube de Joane | Organisation: Cineclube de Joane

USA/Germany, 2021 | Directed by: Wes Anderson | Cast: Léa Seydoux, Christoph Waltz, Saoirse Ronan, Bill Murray, Anjelica Huston, Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson | Rating: M/12 | Duration: 105 min

It all takes place in the fictitious French town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, at an undetermined time in the 20th century. Arthur Howitzer Jr. founds the "Chronicles of France", a weekly newsletter that becomes the voice of his generation by addressing issues of various kinds, ranging from international politics, art or more humanistic themes. When Howitzer dies suddenly, Herbsaint Sazerac, J. K. L. Berensen, Roebuck Wright and Lucinda Krementz, his friends and collaborators, decide to publish a last edition of the magazine as a tribute. This is how Howitzer's memoirs are transformed into a travel journal and three intertwining stories. The tenth film by acclaimed director Wes Anderson ("The Royal Tenenbaums ", "The Darjeeling Limited", "Fantastic Mr. Fox", "Moonrise Kingdom", "The Grand Budapest Hotel").

The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun is a American film directed by Wes Anderson. The film features a large ensemble cast, and follows three different storylines as the French foreign bureau of the fictional Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun newspaper creates its final issue.

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