Agenda Municipal / Theatre The Refuge

Sat 04 Jun
Narciso Ferreira Theatre programme
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 10h00
The public sessions, free in a first stage, will be available only at the local box office, 1 hour and a half before each session | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 40 min.
Inspired by the story written by children "The Magical Forest", Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora brings to Teatro Narciso Ferreira the work "Refuge", where the concerns for the protection of nature are the main focus. "It is the stories written by children that lead us to look at nature. It was through one of these stories that we were led to look at nature and observe how it claims our attention. The forest was so big, it had so many trees where everyone could fit and where everyone lived..., but now there is only one tree left in the forest. Caruma and the animals do everything to protect it because man does not understand that the forest is his lung!
Man has been destroying, but it is urgent to build. If we do not take concrete measures for concrete measures for the protection of the planet man will condemn all humanity, fauna and flora to disappearance."
List of credits:
Artistic direction: Clara Ribeiro and Filipa Mesquita
Interpretation / Scenic music: Clara Ribeiro e Ana Maria Pinto
Interpretation/scenic music: Ana Maria Pinto
Puppets, scenography and props Marta Fernandes da Silva
Costumes: Patrícia Costa
Light operation: César Cardoso
Video recording: Sérgio Torres
Creation Support: Câmara Municipal de Espinho, Câmara Municipal de Gondomar, F.A.C.E - Fórum de Arte e Cultura de Espinho, Museu Municipal de Espinho
Production: Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora
Venue: Narciso Ferreira Theatre (Casa das Artes of Famalicão)
Riba de Ave | Narciso Ferreira Theatre - 10h00
The public sessions, free in a first stage, will be available only at the local box office, 1 hour and a half before each session | Rating: M/6 | Duration: 40 min.
Inspired by the story written by children "The Magical Forest", Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora brings to Teatro Narciso Ferreira the work "Refuge", where the concerns for the protection of nature are the main focus. "It is the stories written by children that lead us to look at nature. It was through one of these stories that we were led to look at nature and observe how it claims our attention. The forest was so big, it had so many trees where everyone could fit and where everyone lived..., but now there is only one tree left in the forest. Caruma and the animals do everything to protect it because man does not understand that the forest is his lung!
Man has been destroying, but it is urgent to build. If we do not take concrete measures for concrete measures for the protection of the planet man will condemn all humanity, fauna and flora to disappearance."
List of credits:
Artistic direction: Clara Ribeiro and Filipa Mesquita
Interpretation / Scenic music: Clara Ribeiro e Ana Maria Pinto
Interpretation/scenic music: Ana Maria Pinto
Puppets, scenography and props Marta Fernandes da Silva
Costumes: Patrícia Costa
Light operation: César Cardoso
Video recording: Sérgio Torres
Creation Support: Câmara Municipal de Espinho, Câmara Municipal de Gondomar, F.A.C.E - Fórum de Arte e Cultura de Espinho, Museu Municipal de Espinho
Production: Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora
Venue: Narciso Ferreira Theatre (Casa das Artes of Famalicão)
535 readings