Agenda Municipal / Movies Three Floors

Three Floors
Thu 17 Feb
Cineclube de Joane Programme

Casa das Artes | Small Auditorium - 21h45

Entry: 4 euros | free for members of the Cineclube de Joane | Organisation: Cineclube de Joane | Rating: M/12 | Duration: 119 min.

Original title: Tre Piani (Italy/France, 2021) | Directed by: Nanni Moretti | Cast: Nanni Moretti, Margherita Buy, Riccardo Scamarcio, Alba Rohrwacher

The life of three families living on three floors of the same building in one of the richest neighbourhoods of Rome. Each one with its own story, its own struggles, its own regrets and its own need for redemption. Premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, a drama directed by Italian Nanni Moretti ("Caro diario", "April", "The Son's Room", "We Have a Pope", "Mia Madre") according to a script written by himself, Federica Pontremoli and Valia Santella. "Three Floors" adapts the work of Israeli writer Eshkol Nevo and features performances by Moretti, Margherita Buy, Riccardo Scamarcio, Alba Rohrwacher, Adriano Giannini, Elena Lietti, Alessandro Sperduti and Denise Tantucci.

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