The Grupo Recreativo de Gavião inaugurated its new clubhouse this Thursday, 6 March, as an anniversary present for the club's 50th anniversary, located in the Ribeiras sports centre.
This is the club's first headquarters, a milestone in its history, said president António Oliveira.
‘It was a dream that has followed successive boards of directors and which we are now proud to realise, as a result of the work we have done in conjunction with the parish council and the town hall.’
The Mayor, Mário Passos, praised the meritorious work carried out by the Gavião Recreational Group in promoting sport and culture in the community. ‘They have always been resilient, despite only now being able to count on their own headquarters, which certainly makes all those who have worked in favour of sport over these fifty years proud,’ he said.
It should be noted that the new headquarters of the Grupo Desportivo de Gavião received municipal support totalling 15,000 euros, ‘an example of the support for sports that the Famalicão municipality has given throughout the territory’, added the mayor, who was joined by the Councillor for Sport, Pedro Oliveira, and the Chairman of the Board, António Emídio.
In this regard, Mário Passos recalled the support that the municipality has given to sports organisations in the borough to improve their facilities and promote sports.
The meeting of the municipal executive on Thursday 6 March was an example of this, with the approval of a series of grants for improvements to the sports facilities of the Grupo Desportivo União de Louredo 1978, the Clube Recreativo e Popular de Delães and the Famalicão Football Club Academy, among others.