Sixteen social and religious institutions in the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão now have better conditions to continue their work of supporting and connecting with the community.
Yesterday, the municipality signed a series of protocols with ten Private Institutions of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and six Church Factories, to increase their social response and preserve their heritage.
The financial support granted by the municipality corresponds to a municipal investment of around 570,000 euros.
‘The City Council is supporting [these IPSS] so that around 600 more places can be made available in these institutions,’ said Mário Passos. The investments underway will provide 194 more places in nurseries, 97 more places in Residential Structures for the Elderly, 144 more places in Home Support Services, 96 more places in Day Centres and 60 more places in Activity and Inclusion Training Centres.
‘We will continue to support these institutions’ so that Famalicão is ‘prepared to meet the needs of our elderly and our children’, added the mayor.
The protocols were signed with the Social Centre of the Parish of Joane, ACIP - Ave Cooperativa de Intervenção Psico-Social, the Social Centre of Calendário, SOCIALELOOS - Associação Social de Fradelos, Engenho - Associação de Desenvolvimento Local do Vale do Este, Instituto S. José, Centro Social de Bairro, Centro Social de Calendário, Centro Social e Cultural de Riba de Ave and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vila Nova de Famalicão.
The rest will go to the factories of the parish churches of Santa Maria de Arnoso, S. Miguel de Jesufrei, Oliveira S. Mateus, Santa Marinha de Mogege, S. Pedro de Bairro and Bente.