The network of Senior Academies in Vila Nova de Famalicão is growing. Now the União de Freguesias de Seide also has a Senior Academy.
‘Ageing can't mean moving away from the community’ and this initiative helps the municipality's seniors
“to get out, socialise, take part in activities and learn”, said the mayor of Famalicão, Mário Passos, at the presentation of the new academy last Saturday.
The Seide Senior Academy joins the 13 academies that are distributed throughout Famalicão. ‘It's always good to see a project like this grow. It's a sign that our seniors are motivated to remain active and to take an active part in the community,’ added the mayor.
At the Senior Academies, participants - people aged 65 and over, pensioners and unemployed people aged 60 and over - can not only optimise their well-being and establish new relationships, but also occupy their free time with activities tailored to their needs and experiences.
A total of 14 academies are already part of this municipal network, which was set up in 2022 - Bente, Brufe, Carreira, Delães, Famalicão, Gavião, Gondifelos, Joane, Nine, Oliveira Santa Maria, Pedome, Requião, Riba de Ave and Seide - and has a total of around 400 seniors involved.